Top 10 Useful Car Accessories That Are Under $100
Get the best and most useful accessories that can enhance your vehicle’s performance and add aesthetic and offer you a futuristic design at the same time. If you want to really pimp your ride, you have to take it a step farther by making use of those affordable as well as useful car accessories which are under $100.
CD Slot Tablet Mount

This tablet mount is attached to your vehicle’s CD slot to offer you the ability in addition to smart auto features to watch movies, pull up directions via GPS, or browse the web.
Games Console Vault

A lockbox fitted on your car that stays in the center console to ensure your valuables are kept safe, even if your car or truck is burglarized.
The Magnetic Cellular Phone Holder

A magnetic cell phone holder holds your phone by using two magnets attached to your dashboard. One is connected to your phone with the adhesive strip while the other is mounted on your dashboard. When next you get into your own car, just tap your phone to the magnetic holder to put it to use for smart car features or even GPS.
AC Adapter

AC adapters today, come in numerous sizes and shapes, a number of which are supposed to fit like a fake Starbucks cup in a coffee cup holder even though some are only an outlet box having a DC wire that you can plug into your car’s cigarette lighter.
Irrespective of what they look like, any AC adapter’s a great item to have in your car as it allows you to use regular electronics, like laptops, portable stovetops, and vacuum cleaners, that you would not typically find in a moving vehicle.
Honey-Can-Do’s Trunk Organizer

This Trunk Organizer is fabric bag as well as a foldable vinyl which may be used for storing all emergency roadside tools, such as flares, jumper cables, Rain-X, and flashers, in one easy-to-reach organizer.
As a substitute, you may use this organizer to carry grocery stores or simply as a tote bag for magazines and books. The tote has 2 large pockets with mesh pockets for keeping heavy things and screwdrivers papers, and any other loose items on the side.

Have you ever viewed a video of a cryptic Nano-liquid which allows you to pour Hershey’ s chocolate on your brand-new sneakers just to see it slip right off without a trace of a mess?
That is essentially what the Rain-X is. A thin coating of the Rain-X on your windshield, windows, and all over the vehicle will make the water ball up and slide right off as an alternative to spreading around and blocking your eyesight. Rain-X may also keep bugs from sticking to your vehicle and keep ice and fog from building up on top the glass.
High Road Leakproof Litter Basket

This Leakproof Litter Basket is another awesome car accessory for anybody who is prone to making clutters in their car and predominantly for anyone who likes to eat food in their car. The small trash can is manufactured from dense fabric with readily cleanable vinyl on the interior which makes cleaning up spills a painless and fast process.
The High Road’s Leakproof Litter Basket has one large pocket for stowing one side pocket as well as trash for storing keep-worthy items, for example, bottles of tissues or even hand sanitizer, that you do not want to rattle on the floorboard.
Fix A Flat

This accessory isn’t normally something that people would consider to be a cool gadget or accessory, but it is an incredibly useful item that everybody must keep at all times in their own car, right alongside the jumper cables and road flashers.
The gadget can immediately seal any hole or tear in the car tire and allow you to go to the nearest mechanic shop, or get home to fill it back up with air. Considering what can occur in the event you break down on a very long trip, far from the house, Fix A Flat can literally be a lifesaver.
The Drop Stop

This accessory is a useful car fixture that solves an issue almost everyone suffers: dropping stuff between your seats. The crack to the edge of your seatbelt holder is big enough for a phone or important documents to slip into but isn’t big enough for the hand to fit through to pull the items back out.
This problem is fixed by the Drop Stop by actually stuffing the gap with a thick plastic stuff that even includes a perfectly cut-out slot for your seatbelt. The next time you drop your phone in the car, it will stay where it is supposed to be.
WonderGel Extreme Seat Cushion

Do your legs or your back hurt from sciatica or just sacroiliac joint pain? It’s possible to fix that by replacing the rough car seat with its extremely soft and stretchy WonderGel Extreme Seat Cushion.
The seat cushion was made of pure silicone, and that takes the stress away from your back by letting you sit deeper in it like a soft cloud made from jelly. [td_smart_list_end]
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